Scammed By OptiMarkets?

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OptiMarkets Review

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OptiMarkets Logo
🌐 Website
🏠 Company Donnybrook Consulting Ltd & OPTIMARKET INC.
📌 Address 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152, Commonwealth of Dominica
☎️ Phone +447723870649 +74953744530
📧 Email
⚖️ Regulation  Unregulated, Blacklisted, Offshore

OptiMarkets Details

OptiMarkets is an online trading broker owned by Donnybrook Consulting Ltd & OPTIMARKET INC.. The company is located at 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152, Commonwealth of Dominica.

To contact OptiMarkets, their support team can be reached via phone at +447723870649 +74953744530 or by email at

Their website can be found at :

It is essential to exercise caution and conduct deep research before engaging with any online trading platform, including OptiMarkets.

To help you make an educated decision, consider checking out our in-depth reviews of two other companies we have recently examined: TradeNetscape and Invebtc.

Is OptiMarkets Legit or a Scam?

When researching an online broker, the first and most important step should always be to find out if they have a regulatory license from a financial institution. This will tell you whether they are regulated by a central authority or if you are dealing with an offshore and/or unregulated investment company.

Unfortunately, OptiMarkets is not regulated or authorized to operate by any major regulatory authority, which means it will be a difficult process to withdraw from this company if they decide to ignore your request or suspend your account for trivial reasons.

If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authority in your jurisdiction, that likely means they are unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, it is best to avoid it if the regulator happens to be outside your jurisdiction.

Read more about this topic in our dedicated article: Financial Regulation Authorities.

Got Scammed by OptiMarkets?

If you have lost money with OptiMarkets, stay calm. It has likely happened to many others, and it its important to learn from these experiences. Do not forget that even the most cautious investors can fall victim to online fraud.

Chargeback Is Your Solution!

The good news is that there is help available. The team at MyChargeBack – a specialist group dedicated to helping consumers recover funds lost online – can help you for your chargeback process:

  • 24/7 availability: Get help whenever you need it.
  • Free consultation: Evaluate your case without any upfront costs.
  • Quick processing: Expedite the recovery of your funds from OptiMarkets.
  • High success rate: Boost your chances of successful fund recovery.

Relying on a reputable service like MyChargeBack is crucial when dealing with online scams, as the typical chargeback process can often be complicated and time-consuming without the proper guidance.

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  1. Buna,eu și acum câteva zile am fost contactat de cei de OptiMarkets și am mai fost înșelat o data …

  2. buna , sunt in aceeasi situatie si nu gasesc solutie de un an

  3. Buna seara

    Ati reusit sa va retrageti banii?

    Sunt in aceasi situatie ca dvs.
    Vreai sa imi retrag macar suma investita nu mai vorbeac De suma capitalizata

  4. Bună seara vreau sa mi retragă datele din din sistem .nu mai sunt interesata nu îmi permit sa investeasc nimic

  5. am fost convins sa-mi transfer bruma de bani pe care o aveam adunata pentru zile negre, ca sa o pot inmulti prin intermediul acestor trisori, acum am ramas si fara bani si cu datorii, rusine sa va fie, voi nu puteti fi numiti oameni!

  6. Hola,

    Lamento escuchar su pérdida. No dudes en rellenar el formulario y obtener una consulta gratuita con los abogados de chargeback para construir un caso de devolución de cargos.

    Gracias por compartir su experiencia

  7. Una estafa total invertida 250 dólares al poco tiempo tenía 11000 dólares para retirarlos me piden 3000 dólares más para que la aml compruebe q no estoy involucrado en el lavado de dinero. Que estafa , si quiero recuperar mi inversión inicial de 250 dólares también debería pagar los 3000 dólares Que ESTAFA!!!

  8. Fore, the amount of money lost is vital! I still trust you are a serious company and will deliver money back!

  9. I’m a poor man from Romania and your employee s convinced me to invest about 2000 Euro to your company. They forced me to take a credit to increase my acount. Then they desapeared. Now I don’t have acces to my account, and I lost all the money! I’ disperate!