Scammed By RallyMarkets?

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RallyMarkets Review

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RallyMarkets Logo
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📌 Address Polvadera Peak Place, Midlands Estate, Olifantsfontein, Gauteng 1683, South Africa
☎️ Phone +27104470270
📧 Email
⚖️ Regulation FSCA 

RallyMarkets Details

RallyMarkets is an online trading broker owned by RIBOVA HOLDING INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. The company is located at Polvadera Peak Place, Midlands Estate, Olifantsfontein, Gauteng 1683, South Africa.

To contact RallyMarkets, their support team can be reached via phone at +27104470270 or by email at

Their website can be found at :

It is essential to exercise caution and conduct deep research before engaging with any online trading platform, including RallyMarkets.

To help you make an educated decision, consider checking out our in-depth reviews of two other companies we have recently examined: MegaProfitx and Asa-GP.

Traders Opinion

In all probability, there have been other traders who have already used the same service, and have expressed their opinions and feedback online on various forums.

Reading reviews from other traders who have experienced RallyMarkets firsthand is crucial in determining the broker's reliability. These reviews offer insights into the platform's functionality, customer service, and overall trading experience, allowing potential investors to make informed decisions.

How To Withdraw From RallyMarkets?

If your funds are stuck in your RallyMarkets account, you should try to reach out to them first and request a withdrawal by every possible means so that you have proof to show authorities later on if they refuse to process your withdrawal.

Unfortunately, RallyMarkets is not regulated or authorized to operate by any major regulatory authority, which means it will be a difficult process to withdraw from this company if they decide to ignore your request or suspend your account for trivial reasons.

If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authority in your jurisdiction, that likely means they are unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, it is best to avoid it if the regulator happens to be outside your jurisdiction.

Read more about this topic in our dedicated article: Financial Regulation Authorities.

Is RallyMarkets Legit or a Scam?

When researching an online broker, the first and most important step should always be to find out if they have a regulatory license from a financial institution. This will tell you whether they are regulated by a central authority or if you are dealing with an offshore and/or unregulated investment company.

When a broker is unregulated or regulated by an entity outside of your jurisdiction, you have limited to no legal recourse in the event that your funds are compromised. In an event of theft, complaints can only be made if that broker is licensed by the regulator in your jurisdiction.

Some examples of regulatory authorities that issue brokerage licenses are:

  • The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)
  • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authority in your jurisdiction, that likely means that they are unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, it is best to avoid it if the regulator happens to be outside your jurisdiction.

How Online Trading Scams Work?

One of the most prevalent online trading scams is to initially display profitable trades that give the investor a false sense of confidence, and get them hooked to the idea of ‘easy money’. Once this confidence is established, the investor will be marketed the idea of investing more money to earn greater returns. Additionally, other incentives may also be provided to encourage the investor to get their friends and family onboard the platform too.

Once the brokerage believes that they have extracted all available funds from an investor and his/her network, they will then proceed to suspend the account, and the investor will no longer be able to access the funds put in.

Many fraudulent firms will even claim to be domiciled in a regulated jurisdiction, and display fake regulatory licenses and addresses on their websites to try and improve their credibility with unsuspecting investors.

Be careful and verify your information through multiple sources. Constant vigilance should be applied at all times when trying to invest in trading platforms.

More info about trading scams:

Got Scammed by RallyMarkets?

If you have lost money with RallyMarkets, stay calm. It has likely happened to many others, and it its important to learn from these experiences. Do not forget that even the most cautious investors can fall victim to online fraud.

Chargeback Is Your Solution!

The good news is that there is help available. The team at MyChargeBack – a specialist group dedicated to helping consumers recover funds lost online – can help you for your chargeback process:

  • 24/7 availability: Get help whenever you need it.
  • Free consultation: Evaluate your case without any upfront costs.
  • Quick processing: Expedite the recovery of your funds from RallyMarkets.
  • High success rate: Boost your chances of successful fund recovery.

Relying on a reputable service like MyChargeBack is crucial when dealing with online scams, as the typical chargeback process can often be complicated and time-consuming without the proper guidance.

How To Get a Chargeback From RallyMarkets

Follow our straightforward guide to efficiently reclaim your lost funds from RallyMarkets with minimal hassle.

  1. Complete the Form: Begin by completing the form above, providing necessary details about your case. This allows the team to understand your situation with RallyMarkets and prepare for the consultation.

  2. Get A Free Consultation: Schedule a free consultation with MyChargeBack team of experts. During this consultation, they will assess your case and offer guidance on the best course of action to recover your lost funds from RallyMarkets.

  3. In-Depth Case Analysis: As you proceed with MyChargeBack, their expert team conducts an in-depth analysis of your case, identifying the optimal chargeback strategy for fund recovery based on your unique circumstances.

  4. Recovery Process: Their team of specialists scrutinizes your case, collects evidence, and negotiates with the involved parties to expedite the recovery of your funds. MyChargeBack team will consistently communicate with you and your bank or card issuer during the chargeback process.


Is RallyMarkets a Legitimate Company to Trade With?

Unfortunately, RallyMarkets is not a trustworthy company to deal with, as they are not registered or regulated by any major regulatory authority, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

What Are the Risks of Using RallyMarkets?

The risks involved in using unregulated companies like RallyMarkets include the inability to file a complaint with a credible regulatory authority in case of a dispute.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Scammed by RallyMarkets?

First and foremost, report the incident to your local authority department. If no resolution can be reached, there is still hope to recover your funds from RallyMarkets by attempting to open a chargeback case with your bank or credit card provider.

How Can I Get Help for Filing a Chargeback Case?

Since the process of filing a chargeback case can be relatively complex and time-consuming, we recommend seeking assistance from our partner, MyChargeBack, by completing the form provided on top of the page.

In the event of an exceptionally complex case they may require an upfront fee, as building your case will necessitate initial resources. Otherwise, if successful, MyChargeBack will be compensated by retaining a percentage of the recovered funds from RallyMarkets, typically around 20%.

How Can I Avoid Being Scammed Online?

To prevent falling victim to scams in the future, always ensure that you deal with legitimate companies that are fully regulated by major regulators, such as the FCA.

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  1. Cordial saludo, No hablo Ingles, solo Español

    Para comenzar; quiero comentarles mi historia, soy mujer colombiana de 55 años de edad, madre soltera con un hijo en condición de discapacidad, diagnosticado con sindrome de TEA, no tengo ningun bien, ni pension, solo vivo de un salario mínimo en Colombia, ya que debo trabajar para cuidar mi hijo. donde laboro me dejan trabajar en un pequeño establecimiento con mi hijo devengando muy poco para poder pagar un alquiler y comprar los alimentos y vestuario que mi hijo con condicion necesita.

    por mis carencias económicas, estuve buscando como obtener otros ingresos y me metí a una pagina que me ofrecia invertir en Amazon y otras empresas más, cuando me inscribí resulte inscrita en INBESTIAL, donde el gestor que inicialmente me inscribió me dijo que era una plataforma o broken muy confiado donde yo podia invertir una mínima cantidad y empezar a generar ganancias.

    Asi fue que resulté en INBESTIAL, donde me aseguraron que yo estuviera tranquila que INBESTIAL, pertenecía a la firma RIBOVA HOLDING INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD.

    Con mucho esfuerzo empecé invirtiendo $200 dolares, y asi sucesivamente el gestor de cuentas ilusionandome me llamaba para que invirtiera mas y aumentara mis ganancias, como yo no tenía recursos, logré endeudarme en un banco de mi país donde me prestaron en pesos colombianos $15 millones o sea mi inversión total en INBESTIAL fue hasta la lograr la inversion de aproximadamente 5.000$, luego esta plataforma, paso a RALLY MARKETS y con mis reclamaciones, logré que me volvieran a dejar en esta nueva plataforma, ya que nunca me informaron de este cambio, solo con mis reclamaciones, me informaron para mi nueva afiliacion a la nueva plataforma RALLY MARKETS, sin embargo ilusionada de que estaba invirtiendo bien, un gestor me volvió a llamar a ilusionar de seguir invirtiendo, pero nunca ví mis ganancias en dinero, ni que me las consignaran a la que cuenta que yo aporté para ello. solo me prometieron que de acuerdo a la inversion ya no necesita hacer forex y que mi dinero estaría seguro. Jamas me consignaron las supuestas ganancias. Despues que estuve solicitando me depositaran o reembolsaran la inversion, ya que me encuentro pasando por una crisis económica casi que en la calle con mi hijo especial, despues de tener en mi plataforma 12.000 USD, la inversion se cerro en rojo, ya que yo no sé hacer forex, sino que hacia lo que el gestor me decia que hiciera, cuando me llamaba. solo se que la ultima vez que me llamaron me dijeron que invirtiera en USD y de ahi no volví a saber más hasta que veo la plataforma simplemente en escasos 125 USD, por no tener un gestor o tutor que me hubiese ayudado a no dejar perder mi inversion. en igual sentido no entiendo porque si me aseguran que al tener una inversion, ella queda asegurada y con apalancamiento ahora no me responden los correos que he enviado una y otra vez y simplemente el dinero que adquirí en prestamos y que no sé como pagar al banco y a las personas que me prestaron no me lo han devuelto.

    Por favor ruego a ustedes, me ayuden¡ no se que hice, no se en que invertí y no se adonde acudir mas ya que he escrito a varios correos y nadie me da una solucion, ya que no tengo dinero, no se como seguir cuidando mi hijito pues soy madre soltera, sin bienes y la ayuda que da el gobierno de colombia es muy mínima para estos casos. Tengo que llevar a mi hijo constantemente al médico y a terapias y no tengo para los gastos que una madre soltera necesita. por favor SOS.

    pueden investigar mi CUENTA RALLY MARKETS: 200128

    con gratitud. MARY

  2. Hi,

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Feel free to fill up the form and get a free consultation with MyChargeBack’s lawyers in order to build a chargeback case.

    Thanks for sharing your experience

  3. May you please help with the recovery of my money